We offer the most complete database about technical camera information of Android devices, currently covering 29374 devices of 2605 manufacturers.
The database contains for one unprocessed information about the supported parameters of cameras under the Camera1 API, as well as the supported keys of Camera2 devices (camera characteristics, capture requests, capture results and camera metadata, for both standard Android keys as well as manufacturer private keys). The database contains as well processed data derived from the previous keys, including but not limited to:
The data is provided as a list of JSON documents, one per device, containing data for all cameras of each device, per API level (version of Android) and per camera API (Camera1, Camera2 and potentially private manufacturer interfaces). Finally, we provide a large JSON document containing a processed overview of all devices including the parameters mentioned before. You can download a sample for the Samsung Galaxy S10+ (SM-G975F) (unprocessed and processed overview).
We update the database weekly but if you need updates more frequently we are also able to do it.
Given the uniqueness of the data, this database is particularly suitable for many different fields, like market analysis, scientific research, app development or planning of custom applications.
If you are interesting in the licensing of the data, please contact us at contact@fgae.de. If you also need advice regarding Android camera app development, we offer consulting services as well.